
1 on 1 Lessons
1 on 1 Lessons will give the goalie the best opportunity to learn, improve, and grow their goalie skill set at the rate of their learning ability to retain information. Through this approach, we can deep dive into each area of the position until confidence has been attained. This method has been proven most successful when conducted on a regular basis throughout the year. However frequency is all determined based on need and learning abilities. Every goalie is different and they all learn differently which is why our focus is on these kind of lessons vs clinics.
Small Groups
Small groups are similar to 1 on 1 lessons but with 2-3 extra goalies. We try to group kids based on age, talent, or learning abilities. Small groups are effective in this way as they are similar in nature and learning moves at the same speed. The best thing about small group training is it allows for goalies to build camaraderie amongst their group by training together and having focused conversation about their goalie experiences. Peer training can be effective when they can learn from each other.
So grab some goalie friends and let's train together!!!

Progressive Clinics
Disclaimer: We at 6x6 do not find value in hosting 1 and Done clinics. Clinics are simply a snapshot or a quick dust-off-the-rust opportunity. Too much material to learn in a short span and retention is typically unattainable for long term use. Clinics are shallow dives for the most part, whereas individual lessons are more of a deep dive and custom made for each goalie. Again every goalie's learning ability is different and some can retain that kind of information, but as a former school teacher, I can attest most do not.
Progressive clinics typically occur in the winter season / pre-season that lead up to the start of the season. Theses clinics happen weekly, with each session building off of the previous week. These clinics are more of small group work, where everyone is learning the same material at the same time. It is HIGHLY suggested to attend each one, but not mandatory to do so in order to succeed. Again every goalie's learning ability is different, but if they can understand the focus points each week session and practice outside of training then they will achieve personal success.

Summer Goalie Camp
Definition: A camp takes place over the course 3-4 days. Can be conducted as a Day camp or an Overnight camp. A consecutive stretch of time where goalie content can be taught in a unilateral fashion. Typical camp can range from 2-4 days anywhere from 6-10 hrs. per day.
At 6x6 we offer our very own Summer Camp, taught to cover not only the basics of goaltending, but also situational concepts, clearing, building leadership skills, and improving on goalie mental health. Our camp spans over 3.5 days and not only will they learn alot about the goalie position and improving their skillset, but they will also network with other goalies and share their own experiences. In the last 6 years I don't think we ever had a camp where anyone left without making at least 1 new friend. The Goalie Community is tight knight and goalies have to stick together, and no better place to learn that then at our Summer Goalie Camp. More details can be found on our camp page.